Le e-commerce s’impose dans l’industrie automobile


e-commerce automobile

Selon la récente étude de Google, les Français apprécient une expérience qui débute en ligne et se termine en concession. Cependant, le parcours entièrement numérique commence à gagner du terrain dans le secteur de l’automobile.

Renault’s Ampere Subsidiary Highlights Distribution Network at Investor Presentation

During the investor presentation held on November 15, 2023, Ampere, the subsidiary of Renault, emphasized the importance of its distribution network. Ampere, known throughout Europe and highly regarded as a must-have car brand, revealed that 70% of customers prefer to make their purchases through dealerships. The company’s extensive network comprises 4,700 showrooms and boasts a workforce of 30,000 individuals who have been trained in electric vehicles, demonstrating its readiness for the market.

Investment Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

While Ampere’s presentation showcased the strength of its distribution network, there are still investment opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. As the demand for electric vehicles continues to rise, investors have the potential to capitalize on Ampere’s well-established presence in the European market. However, the company must also navigate the evolving landscape of e-commerce and adapt its distribution strategies accordingly. By staying ahead of these challenges, Ampere can secure its position as a key player in the automotive industry’s electrification revolution.

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